The first day of my last period was November 20th, 2010. I was preparing for the holidays, and it was seemingly inconvenient. Recognizing some symptoms of pregnancy, (sore breasts, frequent urination, and eventually a late period), I decided to take an at home pregnancy test on December 23rd. After receiving a positive pregnancy test, my partner and I were elated, because I have been diagnosed with endometriosis and have struggled to conceive. In July, we experienced a miscarriage, much to our dismay. December 30th, I began spotting lightly, which continued into a heavy flow on January 5th. On January 6th, the flow was so heavy and thick, we were certain the baby was lost and decided to go to the emergency room due to the pain I was experiencing. The emergency room performed a sonogram, and we discovered that I have a subchorionic hematoma. After a week of bedrest and sonograms/ hcg levels being monitored, the situation began to look very bleak, and we decided that the best thing for us to do is seek an abortion. Having said that, we have an abortion scheduled in about 1 week from today.
Prior to visiting the emergency room, I had tried to search the internet for information about what to expect during a miscarriage so that I would know for sure if it was appropriate to visit the emergency room. (Yes, even though I had already experienced a loss, I held onto hope that I was over-reacting.) Upon scouring the internet, I found Lost Clown's Angry for a Reason blog, which can be found: This seemed implausible at first, but as I read further, it was evident many women have been herbally inducing miscarriages long before I was even born. It has been an effect method of both pregnancy prevention, as well as termination. The only thing missing from these accounts were the details of what the women did and what they experienced while attempting these methods.
This got me thinking. I can experience an abortion, which I am fully prepared to and resolved in doing, at a professional clinic.. Or I can attempt this myself, in the privacy of my own home, and even if it is unsuccessful, I will still be following up with a medical clinical abortion, courtesy of my insurance company. I am also in the unique position, due to the hematoma, to be monitored closely by my obgyn until my appointment.
Thus, I embark on a Vitamin C with Parsley infusion miscarriage. Also, I found another method in another blog that seemed "too easy" that I will try as well. So, follow me as I attempt to detail my experience as thoroughly as I can.
Are there any other updates after this one?