Monday, January 17, 2011

Is it cheating if...

I found another website

This states that the vitamin c and parsley remedy is a great place to START. Thus, I visited 2 local vitamin retailers and purchased 1 bottle of Dong Quai (550mg 100 tablets) for a little under $13, Blue Cohosh (500mg 100 tablets) for $9, and Black Cohosh Root (540mg 100 tablets) for $6. In the interest of this blog, I realized that these pills may not be available to everyone- so, I purchased Dong Quai Liquid Herbal Extract as well. This is what the sites mean when they mention "tincture" and I feel like it may be a good option if it is all you can find, but as it has a specific taste- it may not be best for women like me, who are experiencing morning sickness, which makes it more difficult to keep down.

So, I have maintained my parsley and vitamin C regime, but am also beginning to try to bring on heavier contractions to start a heavier flow. At 4:45pm, I took 2 Dong Quai tablets (which btw have an odor I did not find pleasing) 1 Black Cohosh tablet and 1 Blue Cohosh tablet, and 2000mg of vitamin C.