Monday, January 17, 2011

Is it cheating if...

I found another website

This states that the vitamin c and parsley remedy is a great place to START. Thus, I visited 2 local vitamin retailers and purchased 1 bottle of Dong Quai (550mg 100 tablets) for a little under $13, Blue Cohosh (500mg 100 tablets) for $9, and Black Cohosh Root (540mg 100 tablets) for $6. In the interest of this blog, I realized that these pills may not be available to everyone- so, I purchased Dong Quai Liquid Herbal Extract as well. This is what the sites mean when they mention "tincture" and I feel like it may be a good option if it is all you can find, but as it has a specific taste- it may not be best for women like me, who are experiencing morning sickness, which makes it more difficult to keep down.

So, I have maintained my parsley and vitamin C regime, but am also beginning to try to bring on heavier contractions to start a heavier flow. At 4:45pm, I took 2 Dong Quai tablets (which btw have an odor I did not find pleasing) 1 Black Cohosh tablet and 1 Blue Cohosh tablet, and 2000mg of vitamin C.

No Major Changes Yet

This morning, I woke up and changed my sprig a few hours late. I took 3000mg of vitamin c, since I neglected to take it regularly in the overnight, and drank the infusion. I have cramps in the front of my stomach and some pain in my lower back, but it is difficult to tell if anything is really happening yet. I am technically in day 2 since I started this so late on the first day, but I am not seeing the results I had anticipated. I did revisit Lost Clown's post, and read through the comments, which indicated it may not even
be day 3 that I should expect anything to happen.. it may be up to day 6, which was comforting.

I am still spotting lightly.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Let the Contractions Begin

Last night, I slept better than I anticipated. I had flutters of what I am guessing were contractions, but nothing uncomfortable.

This morning, I awoke, and changed the inserted sprig. In addition, I drank the infusion and took my vitamin c before work.. but promptly threw it up, and had to start again. Every hour, I took 2000 mg of vitamin c, and at about 3pm, I began to intensely cramp for about 2 hours. For me, it felt like a terrible stomach ache that cause sharp pains when I moved. I tried to stretch to help ease this, but eventually I went to the ladies room at work, and discovered light spotting. When I got home from work at about 6:45pm, I drank more infusion, and changed my inserted sprig again at almost 8pm. Some of the morning sprig could not be found, but I suppose that is to be expected. What I found was more spotting of light pink blood on the bathroom tissue and sprig. This does make me wonder-- if I have to get the clinical abortion, are they going to wonder why there are bits of parsley in my vagina?

It is now close to 10pm, and I have light cramps again. I will keep you posted on how my overnight goes.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thank you for nothing, prune juice

 As suspected, the prune juice method did little more than ease the constipation of pregnancy. Luckily, my partner had begun boiling and steeping the parsley needed for our next attempt. In exactly 7 minutes, it will be ready. In the meantime, I have started taking 2000 mg of vitamin c every hour since 5pm. The most challanging part thus far was selecting the sprig that would he would insert into my vagina.. and to stop laughing so that we could get it in.
 To insert the sprig, we wrapped the leaves around the stem, folded, and inserted. Once it was in, he helped push it as far back as we could with still the stem revealed for removal. We did this at 7:25pm, which means we have to remove it and replace it at 7:25am tomorrow.

 What have I experienced so far? Once inserting the sprig, it only took a matter of minutes before I could feel light contractions. Everytime I think it has stopped, more dull contractions come. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

Thank You, Real Choice For Idea #1


 A comment posted at this blog indicated that the individual was advised by an elder to drink prune juice as a method of at home abortion. This, to me, seems incredibly unlikely to be a successful method. Either way, we have visited our local grocery store, and purchased the "name brand" prune juice, as suggested in the comment, and I will now attempt to drink 16 oz of prune juice. (Hopefully, without throwing up.)
 Unfortunately, after typing "Prune Juice Miscarriage" into search engines, I located a Yahoo! question that alludes to the probability that this will just make my bowels not so fun to deal with for the rest of the night. ( Great! Well, I said that I would do this so here goes.

 Method #1:

16oz of Prune Juice. January 15th, 5:56pm cst.

It took me a full hour to get the glass down, but it is there and I am having light cramping.

Why I Am Attempting to Induce a Miscarriage

 The first day of my last period was November 20th, 2010. I was preparing for the holidays, and it was seemingly inconvenient. Recognizing some symptoms of pregnancy, (sore breasts, frequent urination, and eventually a late period), I decided to take an at home pregnancy test on December 23rd. After receiving a positive pregnancy test, my partner and I were elated, because I have been diagnosed with endometriosis and have struggled to conceive. In July, we experienced a miscarriage, much to our dismay. December 30th, I began spotting lightly, which continued into a heavy flow on January 5th. On January 6th, the flow was so heavy and thick, we were certain the baby was lost and decided to go to the emergency room due to the pain I was experiencing. The emergency room performed a sonogram, and we discovered that I have a subchorionic hematoma. After a week of bedrest and sonograms/ hcg levels being monitored, the situation began to look very bleak, and we decided that the best thing for us to do is seek an abortion. Having said that, we have an abortion scheduled in about 1 week from today.
 Prior to visiting the emergency room, I had tried to search the internet for information about what to expect during a miscarriage so that I would know for sure if it was appropriate to visit the emergency room. (Yes, even though I had already experienced a loss, I held onto hope that I was over-reacting.) Upon scouring the internet, I found Lost Clown's Angry for a Reason blog, which can be found: This seemed implausible at first, but as I read further, it was evident many women have been herbally inducing miscarriages long before I was even born. It has been an effect method of both pregnancy prevention, as well as termination. The only thing missing from these accounts were the details of what the women did and what they experienced while attempting these methods.
 This got me thinking. I can experience an abortion, which I am fully prepared to and resolved in doing, at a professional clinic.. Or I can attempt this myself, in the privacy of my own home, and even if it is unsuccessful, I will still be following up with a medical clinical abortion, courtesy of my insurance company. I am also in the unique position, due to the hematoma, to be monitored closely by my obgyn until my appointment.
 Thus, I embark on a Vitamin C with Parsley infusion miscarriage. Also, I found another method in another blog that seemed "too easy" that I will try as well. So, follow me as I attempt to detail my experience as thoroughly as I can.